Category Variety Estimated lb yield
Hardneck Spanish Roja 7
Hardneck Music 6
Hardneck Romanian Red 6
Hardneck Georgia Fire 6
Hardneck German Red 7
Hardneck Chesnok Red 9
Hardneck Tamarack Rocambole 7
It is important to know approximately how many cloves are in each pound of the seed stock you order as the number changes by variety. Our seed stock are bulbs 2.00+ inches in diameter.
Measure the size of your garden or field
Determine how many rows, the length of the rows and the planting spacing in the rows (recommend 6” part)
Multiple number of rows x the row length and covert the total length to inches.
Divide the number of inches by your plant spacing and this will equal the number of cloves you will need.
Use the chart above to determine how many pounds of each variety you will need.
per lb planted